January 2013
is shaping up to be the Time of the Comeback, isn't it? Nicole Scherzinger announced a new single release in the ho-hum "Boomerang" this past week, Justin Timberlake unleashed his "Suit & Tie" (sh*t) with Jay-Z and is planning something for the Super Bowl (verdict: it's a grower and I'll probably be obessed with it by the time The 20/20 Experience drops in March -- what a terrible album title, BTW), and now the kids in Paramore have returned with their pop punk ways with their first real single release since two of its members exited the group in 2010. Spoiler Alert: it's a jam.
Not totally unlike No Doubt, Paramore has always been centered around flame-haired Hayley Williams (like it or not -- it's the main reason why two of the original members quit the band). It's clear No Doubt plays a huge influence both pre and post Farro Bros exit and that has never been more clear than with this single. Much of the lyrical presence of Paramore's material has always been an indicator of what's going on behind the scenes (a great example would be "Looking Up" from their third album, Brand New Eyes, in which Williams warbles: "Could have given up so easily/I was a few cheap shots away from the end of me//I can't believe we almost hung it up/We're just getting started"; on the heels of noted tension within the band. It was shortly after this era that the two members left.) Now forging ahead into a new world for Paramore, "Now" isn't afraid of owning up to the group's past. Instead, Hayley & Co. offer up a brash call to arms.
Lose the battle, win the war
Bringing my sinking ship back to the shore
Starting over, head back in
There's a time and a place to die
But this ain't it...
Don't try to take this from me now
In my personal opinion, "Now" harkens more toward the original sound Paramore broke through with via their Riot! album (read: the album that made me fall in love with them), and that is a very good thing.
The band's fourth official album, Paramore, is due for release in early April.

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