It's the second photo "teaser" released by SM Entertainment regarding Super Junior's impending sixth album comeback, called (wait for it) Sexy, Free & Single, set for July 1st in South Korea. They have already released Eunhyuk's teaser, featuring questionable mullet hair, a bubble and a flower headband covering his eyes. Now, we have the second of the expected ten teaser photos (along with confirmation that fresh-from-the-military Kangin is hands in) -- Donghae's.
The sheer shirt and the return of the long hair (even though I fear it's extensions, along with Hyuk) almost make up for his posture, his lack of facing the damn camera with that beefy chest of his and the random addition of the wedding-like veil on his head. I don't know how wedding veils provoke a "Single" feel but OK, whatever you say, SM. Silly Fishy, I'm supposed to wear the veil when we get married (now, quick - hide before Changmin catches us and kills you both with his words and his fists).
Also - Donghae unleashed the pic to the ELF fandom via his Twitter account, along with the following message in English:
"Super Junior Sexy, Free & Single Dong Hee....SJ Show Time...."
::smacks forehead:: He spelled his own name wrong. This right here - that's why I love you, dearie. Still - SM, if you need a token American/English-speaking friend to help your artists with English, I'm more than willing to volunteer.

I am not really feeling this style. And that album name? Lawd have mercy. But still, Kangin's coming back and that makes up for it!
As LOL-worthy as the teaser pictures have been and the title of their album/single is, Donghae's teaser picture is quite beautiful tbh. I liked his, Kyuhyun's, Yesung's and Leeteuk's the best. Wish he had shown off more of his chest, instead of teasing it behind a mesh shirt. But good lord his eyes, they're soulful. I don't mind the hair extensions, even though I love his current hair's length right now, I became a Donghae stan due to his Supergirl era. I miss his long fluffy hair.
I think Donghae's "veil" was a fishing net. Apparently, he was supposed to represent Artemis, while Siwon represented Apollo, Kangin Hades, Leeteuk Zeus, etc etc.
Have you see the music video yet? From start to finish there's so much Donghae perfection overload, I'm loving it. Finally a SJ music video with a ton of Donghae, vocally and visually. Can't wait to hear your thoughts on this ^^
Hi VforVera - :) Yay for ELFish fans coming to the blog! My thoughts are coming tomorrow. :)
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