
Monday, March 19, 2012

WATCH THIS: Travis Garland makes John Mayer look good...

Excuse me, everyone, while I turn once again into a broken record, but -- why hasn't Travis Garland become a major star yet? Hmm? Are the Music Gods sleeping or something? BB has released his latest of a smattering of acoustic covers, this time round of arguably John Mayer's most beautiful ballad ever, "Slow Dancing In A Burning Room". Let the swooning commence.

Recorded in one shot full of warm fuzzy feeling-inducing falcetto and melismas galore (as that's just Trav's way). The guitar was provided by 'Dancing with the Stars' pro hunk dancer, Mark Ballas, who is another underappreciated musician on the side. His record HurtLoveBox is full of happy suprises -- trust.

Fallen for Trav's gorgeous pipes but don't know where to start? May I suggest his incredible mixtape Last Man Standing or perhaps the latest of his collaborations with the equally talented JoJo in "Paint".

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