Sunday, November 21, 2010

Taryn Manning Brings the 'Boom'

Believe you me, I've realized more so than anyone else how little time I've spent spotlighting the songs I've been grooving to in favor of Tweeting about them. These days, my mind is a bit A.D.D. when it comes to music -- the minute something new and exciting hits, I tend to forget about what I loved (and wanted to write about) last week. However, this one cut keeps coming back to haunt me from the minute I heard it a few weeks back.

I owe all of the discovery to DJ Lilly over at Resolution Radio. She has been in contact with a musician who isn't exactly new, but rather a familiar face, and her most recent piece of work is fun people of disco-lectro rompiness that sticks in your ears and won't give.

Her name is Taryn Manning. The name may only be vaguely familiar to some of you but I guarantee you've seen her before. She first came into our consciousness as an actress, debuting in the 2001 film Crazy/Beautiful, before her big break came via the Britney Spears film vehicle Crossroads in 2003 as her "bad ass" BFF. Since then, she's also appeared in 8 Mile, White Oleander and Hustle & Flow. Most recently, she's gained a role on the television revamp of Hawaii Five-O (which I have to say is much better than I assumed it'd be!). 

She's also formed the duo electronica group Boomkat with her brother Kellin in 2003. The group is still active today, and recording under her own independent label, Little Vanilla Records (since 2004. Prior to that, the group was featured on DreamWorks Records, but were lost in the shuffle when the label folded into Universal Music Group in 2004). Their debut single, 'The Wreckoning", was a firm staple on several of my homemade "mix CDs" in 2003 (admittedly, a bit before I caught on to the conformity of iTunes). Their sound was starkly different from the rest of the pop music landscape at the time, and I distinctly remember dramatically mouthing along to the line "I came. I saw. I kicked some ass." as the song blared in my oversize headphones on the way to high school junior year.

Currently, Taryn is branching out on her own as a solo artist in her own side-project to the Boomkat sound, in favor of a more sunny, poppy, dance-and-synth-soaked flavor rather than Boomkat's unrelenting attitude and beats.

The result has been the single "Spotlight", now available for purchase on iTunes and oft featured on my new home on Resolution Radio. "Spotlight" takes a page out of early 90's dance pop with hints of late 1970's disco flair. It's a whirlwind of poppy goodness with an unrelenting backbeat. It's certainly not reinventing the wheel, but when a song makes you feel this good, none of that matters. It's an homage to the power disco-pop of yore, and in a post Lady Gaga Top 40, there is no better time than the present to celebrate pure pop. It is a bit more early 00's Kylie Minogue meets La Bouche in an Ace of Base blender. Is there anything better? The answer you're looking for is no.

If "Spotlight" is any indicator, the rest of Taryn's upcoming solo material will be well worth the wait.

For more on Taryn, you can check out her website at or follow her on Twitter via @tarynmanning.

Friday, November 19, 2010

Happy Birthday To Moi

::Blows out imaginary candles::

Allow me to dole out the cake slices and scoops of ice cream for today is Melismatic's Official 2nd Birthday. It was on this date in 2008, when T.I. and Rihanna's "Live Your Life" was #1 on the Hot 100 (when you put it that way, it doesn't seem like it was too long ago, now does it?) that I decided to take fingers to keys and muse about my favorite popstars. ::wipes tears:: My baby's growing up, ya'll. As they say, the two's can be terrible and I've been no stranger to absent posts and laziness but today only serves as a reminder to yours truly what an accomplishment I've made in keeping up these ramblings for two years consecutively, and just how much work it is to keep up this side hobby when you also have this little thing going on known as a life.

Much love and sincere gratitude to all of my blogger buddies for all the support over the two years (gah!), especially Nikki, Paul, Elvin, John, Will, Loy, Ken, Chemistry is Dead, ChartRigger, Jennifer, Jio, McRoth, Jessica, Kat, and to everyone at Resolution Radio and Hit Predictor for believing in me and allowing me to expand my "franchise". I would link you all, but today is my day so I'm feeling selfish. ;)

Now excuse me while I pig out on soda, Korean BBQ and Lindt chocolates.

Thursday, November 18, 2010

It's Been A Hot Minute...

...but don't think I'm truly neglecting this site for good. Work has continued to steal the majority of my energy and I don't see that letting up anytime soon with the impending holidays. I do plan on writing my annual Best of List, most likely deciding on a 'Top 10 of 2010' in terms of songs (truly difficult), as well as a few things regarding albums and the KPop/Asian world as well.

Here's what's been going on since I've truly spoken to you last...First, the bad news. Quick, like a Band-Aid.
  • V Factory is officially down another member, this time in the form of requisite pretty, baby-faced Wesley Quinn, who confirmed his departure from the group via Twitter in the first week of November. For those of you not keeping track on the "Love Struck" fivesome, Asher Book (also of the Fame film...fame) also announced his departure in early October. Truthfully, it makes sense, as the two at least were roommates and were noticably very close. Not sure what's going on in the V Factory camp, as their official site and MySpace have not been updated to reflect the changes. From what I gather on their Twitter, they seem to be moving forward. Whether or not that will be with two new members (most likely) or as a trio, only time will tell.
  • Ashley Poole has also confirmed her exit from the Dream reunion group that I adore so much, Lady Phoenix. Her departure really disheartens me regarding their project, but Melissa and Diana seem eager to continue on, with several new jams set to be recorded before the year's end. No word on whether or not they will still be pursing the reality show circuit, however.
  • Mini Viva has confirmed our fears and announced their split. Both members are pursuing solo projects, so visit each of their Twitters (Frankee and Britt). This brings the total of girl groups to hit the skids for good this year to alarming high (Red Blooded Women, Paradiso Girls, Girls Can't Catch). No bueno, fam. No bueno.

But on a lighter note...
  • On the brighter side of news on the Lady Phoenix front, member Melissa Schuman has released never-before heard material on iTunes via an album called Stereotyped. Definitely worth checking out.
  • P!NK's greatest hits package includes two truly great new offerings in "Raise Your Glass" and "F*ckin' Perfect". It's a great way to cap off a truly great decade for the singer, but I think the best is her now confirmed pregnancy. Here's to you, P!NK -- you'll be the most bad-ass mama in pop!
  • Burlesque will be in theatres shortly and I'm KIND of stoked. The soundtrack helps qualm fears regarding the stutter in Christina Aguilera's career in the wake of the album-that-must-not-be-named and her unfortunate divorce. That voice is just undeniable and it certainly stands at the forefront of the film's material.
  • Purple Reign has confirmed they are hard at work on a second mixtape for impending release soon. Keep eyes peeled to their Twitter for info as in happens. Per their page (and producer Rodney "Darkchild" Jerkins), they recently recorded an original song written by Pricilla Renee (who most recently wrote Cheryl Cole's "Promise This").
  • On the obligatory TVXQ!/DBSK front, the boys in JYJ (Junsu/Yoochun/Jaejoong) have confirmed during a recent American showcase (but not mine) that they are prepping a followup single to the anti-climactic "Ayyy Girl" (feat. Kanye West) in the form of the far superior "Empty" (produced by the aforementioned Darkchild). A video is set to be shot shortly. And on the HoMin (Yunho/Changmin) front, SM has confirmed they are in the process of prepping their own comeback as a duo (tentatively as "Dong Bang Duo", although I don't know how reputable that is), and are in the recording stages of their single with the same producers who brought us the utter epic win that is/was/will always be SHINee's "Lucifer". Yeah, I'm just a little bit excited.
  • Travis Garland is currently prepping his LONG awaited solo release via a mixtape, Last Man Standing. It's currently in the mixing stages which means we should have it in our headphones shortly. And while we're at it, roomies Simon Curtis and Rochella Danishei are both working on soon to be released new albums that are due quite shortly as well...
  • I've heard Rihanna's new disc, LOUD, (can you believe it's her fifth?) and although I'm not digging her as hard as I was during the Good Girl Gone Bad era, she has restored my faith and enstilled trust that Rated R seemed to be a wayward fluke. Choice tracks: "S&M", "California King Bed", "Cheers (Drink To That)" (Avril sample and all!), and the two big singles in "What's My Name?" and "Only Girl (In the World)".
  • I've committed an utter crime in the fact that I actually like Nicole Scherzinger's upcoming "first" solo single in "Poison", a spacey, punchy RedOne number that definitely wants to be one for the clubs and attempts to re-invent Red's "wheel" in terms of sound. Honestly, it really doesn't matter who it's by, the song is a grower, so if this one doesn't work for Nic, I don't really know what will.
  • More so that Rihanna, I've found myself spinning Cee-Lo Green's most recent effort, The Ladykiller, especially "Bright Lights Bigger City", which is worth the price of the album alone. Also, the Smeezingtons produced "F*ck You" continues to get better with every listen, and further cements in my mind that this production group (which includes Bruno Mars) may just be the ones to watch in 2011. Evidence of Greatness: Far East Movement's "Rocketeer", "Girls On the Dancefloor" and "If I Was You (OMG") -- my favorite three cuts on Free Wired; Bruno's "Grenade"; B.O.B.'s"Nothing On You"; the guilty pleasure that is Sugababes "Get Sexy" (original version, por favor) and K'NAAN's "Wavin' Flag" and "Bang Bang". Me like. Best part, they don't scream out "SMEEZINGTONS" whenever the track starts or try to create some kind of lyrical "catchphrase". I'm hoping the reasons behind this are more noble than the fact that SMEEZINGTONS doesn't exactly roll off the tongue.

Saturday, November 13, 2010


I find it difficult to even find a place to begin here, to enumerate in words what Friday, November 12th, 2010 meant to me -- as a person, as a music lover, as a fan of JYJ and as a Cassiopeian. All in all -- why is Nikki in China now? Who do I *squee* with?

(Yoochun, Jaejoong and Junsu)

To spare you the long-winded exposition, if you don't know about DBSK/TVXQ/JYJ/HoMin/the lawsuit situation from previous posts, I'm guessing this post more won't do you much good. There's no real use rehashing the painful reason why the Godly Five are separated (always keep the faith!), so I'd rather be skant on the negative and talk about what a truly positive experience this was -- literally rising from ashes so to speak.

JYJ, the sub-unit of literally one of the most successful pop groups in modern Asia, has officially embarked on a "cross-over" via three live dates in the United States, in support of their English album, The Beginning, which features production by Kanye West (no, he wasn't there) and Rodney "Darkchild" Jerkins (nope, him neither). New York City was the first date of the "tour", also featuring Las Vegas and Los Angeles, but it marks one of the first time artist's of their stature and background have performed on the East Coast. A few more dates were originally planned, including a show in Hawaii, but they were all "mysteriously" cancelled not long after they were announced. Tickets themselves were only put up on release last week. To say the tour was a bit haphazard and slapped together would be putting it mildly (meanwhile, the three members themselves, all of which recently got Twitter accounts, were hard at work posting various pictures of their cats while fans were literally gouging their eyes out when forced to deal with the vagueries and miscommunication -- myself included). 

Just as the hype started to build to a deafening pitch, as JYJ themselves landed in New York Tuesday night in order to cope with the ridiculous jetlag, things began to spliter around them, as rumors and news began to filter out that the whole tour (including the New York gig) would be cancelled. Reasons varied, but the majority of it either filtered back to mistakes on the part of their latest management team (#3 Officially for those of you who are keeping track). Like the majority of the fans who were hit with the news on Thursday (literally, the day before the show), I was quick to shrug it off as rumor mongering, until it was confirmed true.

Read on for more. Prepare. It's a long one.

Tuesday, November 09, 2010

Ayyyyyyyyy Cassies....

It may have come together last minute (understatement of the CENTURY), but Cassies -- it's really happening.

To summarize for those of you who don't speak KPop --> 
Mel + Three Members of DBSK = Sonic Boom.

Not only does the concert fit in quite nicely with this blog's second birthday (more to come on that particularly exciting subject soon), it also coincides with my first official one year anniversary of being knowledgeable of the Korean Pop music game itself. Does that make up for the ridiculous ticket prices? Mmmm, no comment. For now I'll stay Bitter Betty because I like the money I work hard to earn, but I guarantee my tune will change by this weekend when I have a full report of JYJ's first official United States performance. 

Did you hear that, Cassiopeia? 


*WARNING* = If you are reading this, Melismatic has passed out due to acute Cassiopeius Fangirlitis. She should regain conciousness within a few days, possibly earlier if she stumbles upon a particularly eye-catching photo of Max Changmin. (Of course, it goes without saying this could also possibly force her to relapse.) Standby for updates, particularly to her Twitter (@melismaticdiva), especially during Friday, November 12th and Saturday, November 13th, for live and very, very eager Tweetage.

Tuesday, November 02, 2010

GNO is Not 'Too Young'...

I first formally introduced you to the ladies GNO (that is Girls Nite Out) back in September. I'm here to tell you now that you might want to have your own GNO on Wednesday nights (or rather GNI -- because you don't wanna miss this), as the girls have graciously given me the blessing to WORLD PREMIERE one of their brand new songs on my radio show!

For those of you who were a bit slow on the uptake and haven't yet caught on to the GNO bandwagon, I will refresh your lazy memories. The five-piece girl group is from Boston, and work a bit like a modern day Spice Girls minus the cheesy nicknames. Each girl has her own style and flair, coming together to create a lineup that will allow just about anyone to relate. This also mirror's the group's sound, as it is a fun fusion of lighthearted pop, R&B, eurodance and electro sizzle. 

The group has already opened up for JLS and Hot Chelle Rae and are gearing up for label showcases, getting ready to strut their stuff in a very big way. They've already docked material with producers from around the world (including from Sweden, LDN and Germany), and are very much looking like the next best thing -- mostly because they fit the Disney mindset without being too homogenized or saccharine. Believe it or not -- they are just modest, down to earth, relatable girls who refuse to rely on a gimmick to make a name for themselves. Instead, they spend the majority of their time in the studio practicing their vocals and dance steps like any good girl group should. Not only that, but they often Twitter, Tumblr and chat with fans on UStream, developing a healthy pre-famebump fanbase.

So, prepare -- on Wednesday, November 3rd, at 9PM Eastern on Resolution Radio during my Pop+Nation Power Hour radio show, I will be premiering a brand new cut by the girls called "Too Young." The song is a great example of what GNO does best --  pop with all kinds of fresh flavors. It walks the fine line of singable, bouncy pop with a trace of tangible melancholy nostalgia in the twangy back chords.

Many many thanks to Traci, everyone at GNO's Street Team and of course, the generous girls themselves for this incredible exclusive! Be sure to tune in and rock out -- these girls are due big things! Get on board! It's a movement, people!

Follow Me on Instagram via @melismaticdiva