I've said before that I'm a fan of her singles at least. I'm not a country person, but I respect the fact that she is so young and yet writes so much of her music. But I promise you it was not just me who thought she sounded a bit...off last night. I'm gonna give her the benefit of the doubt, because that venue is very very very live, and if you aren't 127% on pitch, you're gonna sound off. But still...
She performed "Love Story" first, with a incredibly awesome silver glittery acoustic guitar that I covet very much. Later, she performed her Joe Jonas diss song "Forever and Always" with an intensity toward the camera that is starting to get really old. Maybe it's because I have a secret crush on Joe Jonas, but wow, sister. Move on. Being the angry ex only looked good on Alanis Morrisette, and even she let it go eventually. You're way too young to keep harping on some boy!
Check out the performances below fast, before their inevitable deletion from YouTube:
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