Everyone who has a blog and their mother have excellent countdowns of their favorite songs/albums of 2008, so I figured I’d follow the trend and give in to the peer pressure. However, the task itself was incredibly formidable. I couldn’t really decide my favorite songs, to be honest, so I turned to my best friend/stalker, Last.FM, to tell me what my favorite songs are. Although I don’t entirely agree with the order, these are the top 28 songs I’ve listened to in the past 12 months in terms of overall plays. As always with when I talk about songs, if you’d like one of these songs to sample for yourself, just comment and let me know.
16. Girlicious “Like Me”
The song should hav
e been a club smash, and it’s pretty sad that Canada gets it and we don’t (no offense, eh?). Everything about it, from the bouncy beat, to the snap, to the flashy synth, to the echo-ey vocals speaks volume about what was and is cool in the New Millenium…however, it harkens back to 2004-2005 when Ciara was big, as Jazze Pha’s production techniques haven’t really become the industry standard as Timbaland’s has. This is by and far the very best song from these girls’ album despite it’s clichéd lyrics, and it’s a shame it wasn’t well received (or received at all) in the US, despite the girls being from here.
Best Part: “I’ma let you try to get on my level level, get on my level…”
The song should hav

Best Part: “I’ma let you try to get on my level level, get on my level…”

15. The Saturdays “Set Me Off”
2008 was The Saturday’s year in my book, and they were by and large the artist I listened to the most. There are a few other songs of theirs that will be on this countdown as well. This was one of the songs that leaked in the wake of the incredibleness that was the first single “If This is Love”, and was instantly on the repeat on my mp3 player. The backbeat reminds me of bubbles popping, and the vocals and beat swirl to level 11 when the chorus starts up. I adore everything about this song!
Best Part: Try all of it.

14. Brandy “Right Here (Departed)”
I first downloaded this song out of reverence for old school Brandy, back in the days of “Have You Ever” and “The Boy Is Mine”. While this song is very different from her old days, it shows that Brandy (and her trusty partner in producer Darkchild) can still be relevant and rock with the rest of them. The best part about this song is the fact that is basically a ballad with a hip hop beat under it…something they just don’t do anymore.
Best Part: The harmonies throughout, especially in the chorus.
13. The Pussycat Dolls “I Hate This Part (Right
As much as I despise the ladies PCD for a multitude of reasons (their emergence as a burlesque group, they only have one real singer yet they all have microphones, they dance on poles, their biggest hit’s hook was “Doncha wish your girlfriend was hot like me?”, don’t stop me, I’m on a roll), this song was and is incredible. It’s just beautiful. Everything about it. And for that reason, I’m glad they wisend up after the debacle that is “When I Grow Up” and decided to shelve “What You Think About That” as it became abundantly clear that “I Hate This Part” was the best track on their entire sophomore album. Truthifully, it’s a testament to Nicole Scherzinger and her vocals, and it’s a sin that the only success she finds as a musician is in a burlesque group when she’s the only singer anyway. Even the remixes are good (something I don’t tend to like for ballads), but there’s just something about Nicole’s riffs over that chorus with that reverse beat. It gets me everytime.
Best Part: The riffing, and the reverse back beat.

As much as I despise the ladies PCD for a multitude of reasons (their emergence as a burlesque group, they only have one real singer yet they all have microphones, they dance on poles, their biggest hit’s hook was “Doncha wish your girlfriend was hot like me?”, don’t stop me, I’m on a roll), this song was and is incredible. It’s just beautiful. Everything about it. And for that reason, I’m glad they wisend up after the debacle that is “When I Grow Up” and decided to shelve “What You Think About That” as it became abundantly clear that “I Hate This Part” was the best track on their entire sophomore album. Truthifully, it’s a testament to Nicole Scherzinger and her vocals, and it’s a sin that the only success she finds as a musician is in a burlesque group when she’s the only singer anyway. Even the remixes are good (something I don’t tend to like for ballads), but there’s just something about Nicole’s riffs over that chorus with that reverse beat. It gets me everytime.
Best Part: The riffing, and the reverse back beat.
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